Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Forward Kommander Sorscha

This is now my main warcaster for my Khador force. I painted her up for a contest online. I really like her sculpt. That face reminds me of a line from a Punisher comic.
     "I don't smile much. I don't smile ever. But if I did, this would be one."
She was really fun to paint, and she's pretty awesome on the table.


Imperial Fists Dreadnought!

So here's something cool: an Imperial Fist Dreadnought! This is the dready from the Black Reach box, with a plasma cannon from the plastic Venerable Dreadnought kit. He also sports a resin 'Fist' icon from Forgeworld.
The green trim marks him as being part of the 4th Company.

I really wish I airbrushed it. It took SO LONG! Hand painted, building up from black primer. Why start with black primer if I was going to paint it bright yellow? Because I'm a mad man!

Khador Battlegroup

I'm really loving Warmachine right now. I play Khador. I started off my force with the Battlegroup box. Here's a pic assembled, then painted. I'm working on other people's models so much that I hardly get to paint my own stuff. These two pictures were taken almost a year apart.

These were really fun to paint, and I especially like how the Juggernaut's Ice Axe came out.

First pic! Enjoy.

I was thinking about what the first mini-pic should be. I have decided that since Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings game is what got me into the hobby back in 2005, the first picture I post should be one of my Uruk-Hai warriors.
This particular mini was painted last year. The ones I painted back in 05/06 look... well, like all our first minis looked :D

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hey how's it going everyone. First post of the brand-new blog! This used to be the blog for my old webcomic, which I took down a year or so ago. If you remember that, then I say "Hi Jeremy".
This blog will be about my hobbies, mostly tabletop gaming. It'll be a showcase for my model building/miniatures painting, my art, RPGaming, and I'll probably sneak in some cooking stuff here and there too.
So, to all five of you, I say "Welcome!"
