Monday, August 05, 2013

And so it begins...

     And thus, our hero builds his first Convergence models. I plan on running an assassination list with Aurora heading it up. It'll be a tier list, so I can max out to 5 units of Clockwork Angels. It's gonna' look so pretty when it's all finished.
     If any of my other armies from any other game I play are any indication, then you can expect me to actually finish this army by the time we can buy the Superman/Batman movie on DVD...


Saturday, August 03, 2013

A little bit of Blood Raven goodness.

     Here's a pic of a very basic Tac squad of Blood Ravens. 5 men, with a Bolt Pistol/Chainsword sergeant. The Sarge is the only one built from actual tactical squad bits. The squad members are all made from the three-piece "Battle for Macragge" starter sprues. I had a whole BUNCH of those guys lying around.
     I never really saw any of those starter-marines painted really well. Those are among the first minis that people ever paint up, so naturally we tend to see a lot of those starter marines painted like butt (to be quite frank about it). So I thought it would be a fun exercise to give them a decent paint job.
     They look pretty dang good, if I do say so myself. Also, I'm not cool enough to print out my own decals, so the emblems on the shoulder guards are all done freehand :-P

     In terms of using these guys in a game, I made the basing match my existing Black Templar marines, and my planned Imperial Fists marines. This way, I could play my Templars, Fists, and Blood Ravens as a Black Templar army, with allied Codex Marines.